Coaching & Emotion Code x 3 SAVE £45
Service Description
Save £45 by block booking 3 x sessions at once. (Note: price shown is for all 3 sessions). All full sessions include both coaching and The Emotion Code® adapted to suit client needs. Experience the power of The Emotion Code® – a non-invasive energy technique to clear out toxic energies held in your body and begin to address physical and emotional issues, as well as business and abundance blocks, chakra blocks, clearing ancestral Trapped Emotions and many other issues. Quickly tackle issues and begin to clear your backlog of Trapped Emotions®. We can get a lot more done with a series of sessions! Can also be used for Heart Wall removal sessions, although additional sessions may be needed as it is impossible to predict when a Heart Wall will finally be removed, or how many sessions that will take. Please book your first session date here. Subsequent dates can be booked in person with Sarah during the session, or by emailing her on: sarahjane@whitespace-agency.co.uk
Cancellation Policy
To cancel, or reschedule, please contact me at least 24 hours before your appointment. PLEASE NOTE: you may be charged for a session cancelled within less than 24 hours.